Our team is supporting smart city activities across North America by providing top-notch services  

GeoSMART Government Master Planning

The first step towards a smart city is a plan.  We will help you come up with a plan that works for you, touching all of the following components:  

  • Geospatial 6 Pillars of Sustainability  
  • Geospatial 6 Stages of Smart City GIS Evolution  
  • Geospatial information and technology 
  • Geo-empower people 
  • Geosmart government
  • Geosmart economy
  • Geospatial data Infrastructure  

 Information Technology and GIS Services

A seamless GIS starts here. GTG provides expert implementation assistance for any of your needs to include: hardware, software, applications, training, data, and databases. Our team has assisted over 500 clients with enterprise implementation. 

Data Creation, Collection and Conversion

Let us help you with the heavy lifting. We can create missing GIS data by collecting it in the field or converting it from existing formats to fit your needs. 

Training, Education and Knowledge Transfer

Simple, easy to use, and easy to understand GIS is our goal! We will dedicate time to train and educate all stakeholders within your organization, guaranteeing the sustainability of your program, and the success of your smart technology.